Monday, December 14, 2009

Cheeze Its

So tonight Kent and I went out with another couple. Some people offered to babysit all the kids...for we took them up on it. They were feeding the kids some Cheeze Its, and Peter loved them! In fact, he loved them so much, he discovered a way to get more.

The other couple has a little girl Peter's age. She still takes a pacifier, so when Peter finished all his crackers, he would walk over to Audie, stick her pacifier in her mouth, and eat her cheeze its! What a stinker! This cracked us up when we heard it, but I guess it's not good for our 15-month-old to be this sneaky...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Little Helper

We put together Piper's crib today. Peter, being the little busy be that he is, insisted on helping. He threw stuff away for us, handed dad the pieces, but best of all, he helped screw in the bolts. We gave him his own allen wrench to use. He would go around finding all the holes and put the wrench in them. Then he'd twist the wrench around and move on to the next hole. He's such a cute helper!


Peter's monitor has a button you can push to play music. Well, he's figured out how to turn the music on. Every time I open his door, he heads straight for the monitor. He pushes the button, puts the monitor down, and spins in circles with an adorable smile on his face. He's got to be the cutest dancer ever!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Random Happenings

So I obviously haven't written anything in a while, so I thought I'd just jot down a bunch of random things I thought were cute that I remember...

Today, Peter was eating hotdogs, cheese, and apples for lunch. I gave him ketchup for his hotdog, but he decided to dip his apples in it instead. After trying his first ketchup-dipped apple, he says, "Mmm mmm!"

Yesterday he was chasing Kent around the living room and kitchen saying, "Roar! Roar! Roar!" It was so cute! I love how his personality is taking shape!

When the girls (dogs) are outside, he'll wait by the door saying, "Hoo, Hoo, Hoo!" (That's Hoove.)

He's started sleeping with his "baby." It's a little bear that was Kent's when he was little. He's so cute with it. He'll hug it when you give it to him. It really helped him sleep when we were away from home at Thanksgiving.

When you ask him a question, if he doesn't know the answer, he'll furrow his eyebrows, raise his hands, and say, "I don't know." (Well, a variation of "I don't know.") It's too cute.

We bought him swords the other day. They're made out of foam, so completely safe. :) He likes to sword fight with them. Our poor dogs, especially Cana, get the most beatings from them...

My parents have a cat. We visited them over Thanksgiving. Peter decided it was fun pulling the cat's tail. Poor cat didn't like him very much.

He is currently on his hands and knees on the floor. I believe he's pooping. He's making a "fart" noise with his lips and pushing...maybe too much information for most readers. :)

He likes to sing "Where is Pointer?". He doesn't say any of the words, but he definitely has the melody down and can do the finger actions. He also sings "London Bridge."

He's started being a little helper. He likes to throw things away. He also picks up pretty good.

He's discovered he can make funny sounds with paper towel holders. He goes around with them up to his mouth singing...

He plays fetch with Hoove. Each time Hoove gets the ball he claps for her.

He's great at the sign language we've been teaching him! He knows "more," "all done," "thank you," "please," and "I love you." He's such a smart little guy!

He takes after his mom with his love for chocolate...if you give him a bite, he starts saying, "more, please!" over and over!

I guess that's all for now. Maybe I'll get better at blogging and add posts more often...then again, maybe a monthly update will suffice. :)